MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa Behavioral Laws

Hidatsa Behavioral Laws – Maaʔiiriih-giih-kee

As told by Mr. Alex Gwin

Lesson 1

1) Aru-xubaa adee-taa-ruush maaʔeeca gacacaara, awa-hee maa-xubaaheewa ii-diiria

1) Even though all (what) is holy isn’t visible (revealed) respect everything (everyone)
for it is said the earth (life) revolves (runs, lives) because of this fact (that
everything and everyone is holy).

aru-xubaa that which is holy and sacred
adee-taa-ruush isn’t visible/can’t be seen
maa-eeca everything/everyone/all that is
gacacaara respect everything/everyone
maa-xubaaheewa all that is holy
ii-diiria-mahkuuc the earth/life is run by/ because of this


Lesson 2

2) Maaʔihtia maaʔiishookaah neeta! Iishiau, hiiroo agu-naagish nuxbaagata-rukii-niihiic

2) Don’t be walking in front of elders (old people) because it may not be a human, but a
mean entity or someone very scared sitting there.

maaʔihtia elders (old people)
maaʔiishookaah in front of
neeta do not go
iishiau this is what they say
hiiroo this one
agu-naagish that which is here
nuxbaagata-rukii-nii-hiic may not be human/of this world


Lesson 3

3) Adaa-shiigua doog hii dooh-karuush maaruuwa nii na-shaadiirug hii iisha maaruwa
niigiigua-rug niixua xagaheetaa niih-kiiruu-wiid, nahtuu cagii nuu-wiirita.
Reesharug maaʔiiraxarii niida nuuwiidrii haac

3) Whether you are outside or where ever, if you hear something or someone says your
name turn completely around (not just your head) or else your face may get turned

adaa-shiigua doog whether you are outside
dooh-karuush or where ever
maaruuwa if something/someone
nii na-shaadiirug says your name
hii iisha or
niigiigua-rug if you hear something
niixua xagaheetaa your whole body
niih-kiiruu-wiid turn completely around
nahtuu cagii only your head
nuu-wiirita don’t turn
resharug or else
maaʔiiraxarii ghosts
niida your face
nuuwiidrii haac may twist/turn


Lesson 4

4) Ookciarug a-duu-dii nii-gih-taara reesharug, ii-dah-kuu-beesh naadii awahuu aru nigic

4) At night, don’t hit the walls or your home or a ghost may hit you back.

ookciarug at night
a-duu-dii walls
nii-gih-taara don’t hit
reesharug or else
ii-dah-kuu-beesh the owl
naadii your house
awahuu inside
aru nigic will hit


Lesson 5

5) Ookciarug goo-shii-taara!

5) Don’t whistle at night!

ookciarug at night
goo-shii-taara don’t whistle


Lesson 6

6) Ii-riigii-dooba-gua niciig, ni-dah-bug, nidahbaxug ni-hee-taara, reesharug mirii
ooreeh-ta-haa aru nariidic

6) Don’t put your feet, shoes, or socks on the table or else you will go hungry before the
month is over.

ii-riigii-dooba-gua on the table
niciig your feet
ni-dah-bug your shoes
nidahbaxug your socks
ni-hee-taara don’t put
reesharug or else
mirii month/moon
ooreeh-ta-haa before it is over
aru nariidic you will go hungry


Lesson 7

7) Ookciarug ma-iih-gii-ga iiaxuu hiraara reesharug maaʔiiraxarii ahk-cii-shii haac

7) At night close the shades/coverings on your windows or else a ghost may look in.

ookciarug at night
ma-iih-gii-ga at night
iiaxuu cover
hiraara put/make


Lesson 8

8) Ookciarug ma-iih-giiga shee adaashiihtaa ahkcii-shiih-taa-iiruuc

8) Don’t look outside the windows at night.

ookciarug at night
ma-iih-gii-ga window/mirror
adaashiihtaa outside
ahkcii-shiih-taa-iiruuc don’t look/peek


Lesson 9

9) Nida aru xabii (naah-tuu miixtaaruu) huuba niheetaara reesharug namaahshiaree

9) Don’t put shoes under the head of your bed, or you will have bad dreams.

nida aru xabii your bed
naah-tuu mixtaaraaru under your head
huuba shoes
niheetaara don’t put
reesharug or else
namaahshiaree your dreams
aruʔiishiac will be bad


Lesson 10

10) Xaree iihdaahka oowiata reesharug nishigiihta aru gareec

10) Don’t point at rainbows or else your fingers will rot off.

xaree iihdaahka rainbow
oowiata point
reeshaarug or else
nishigiihta your finger
aru gareec will rot


Lesson 11

11) Maabii miirii gadeerug oowiataara reesharug ahbaaxii giiwiigiirug iida aruʔiiaxuuc

11) When the sun comes out, don’t point at it or it will go back into the clouds and hide.

maabii miirii sun
gadeerug shows (come out)
oowiataara don’t point
reesharug or else
ahbaaxi clouds
giiwiigiirug calls back (go back)
iida face
aruʔiiaxuuc will hide


Lesson 12

12) Naadiiwia haag giirah-ha magi-dahx-paa-rug maaruwa naba nakeedeehta reesharug
nuxbaagkarii iiga ee-rah-ku aadii mia gi kia-radaac shee guu ha miaxtaag
hah-kuuc, aru niihaac

12) Don’t stick your nose in your older/younger sister’s affairs, troubles, or arguments
with her husband or else people will say that you like (love) your own sister.

naadiiwia your older/younger sister
haag and
giirah-ha her husband
magi-dahx-paa-rug argue/fight
maaruwa something
naba your nose
nakeedeehta don’t put it in
reesharug or else
nuxbaagkarii the people
iiga ee-rah-ku look at that one
aadii mia woman of his/her house
gi kia-radaac likes
shee guu ha that’s why
miaxtaag hah-kuuc is being jealous
aru nii-haac they will say


Lesson 13

13) Ookciarug maa-ciwara aruʔiixaacagiig hii maa aru ruudii aru ahxbii iaxuu hiira
reesharug maaʔiiraaxii nua ariiduug mireeii haac

13) At night cover dirty dishes and leftover food or else a ghost that is hungry may come

ookciarug at night
maa-ciwara dishes
aruʔiixaacagiig those that are dirty
hii and
maa aru ruudii aru ahxbii leftover food
iaxuu cover
hiira make
reesharug or else
maaʔiiraaxii ghost
nua some
ariiduug hungry
mireerii haac may come in


Lesson 14

14) Ookciarug ahdii awa-huushee ditiataara nee sharug maaʔiiraaxii niibux-xua haac

14) Don’t run around the house at night, or else a ghost/spirt might push/knock you

ookciarug at night
ahdii awa-huushee inside the house
ditiataara don’t run
nee sharug or else
maaʔiiraaxii ghost
nua some
ariiduug hungry
mireerii haac may come in


Lesson 15

15) Ookciarug mauudabii adiiʔawahuuga iiwareetaara neesharug giihmaaʔahtuukaag

15) Don’t play with the ball in the house at night or it will change into a head and may
chase you.

ookciarug at night
mauudabii ball
ahdii awa-huuga inside the house
iiwareetaara don’t play
nee sharug or else
giihmaaʔahtuukaag will change into a head
niiguuree-haac may chase you


Lesson 16

16) Maaʔaru hiirii maduu-hiirug nii gii wee-nia cakeetaara cii-xa giirhug ii hiiraara

16) If something has to be done, don’t wait to be told, just jump up and do it.

maaʔaru hiirii maduu-hiirug If something has to be done
nii gii wee-nia cakeetaara don’t wait to be told
cii-xa giirhug jump up
ii hiiraara do it


Lesson 17

17) Maʔaru maaʔihtia miri nua nahkua naakeerug nii ciihka hii-taara neesharug
nuxbahkarii igaʔguu nadaxiibug macashawareec

17) When you give/offer water to the elders/old people don’t drink from it first, or else
the people will say “look at that one, he is lazy and selfish/greedy/stingy.”

maʔaru maaʔihtia elders/old people
mirii water
nua nahkua naakeerug when you give/offer
nii ciihka you first
hii-taara don’t drink
neesharug or else
nuxbahkarii the people
igaʔguu look at that one
nadaxiibug is lazy
macashawareec selfish/greedy/stingy (they say)


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