MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

HID 211 – Hidatsa Syntax

Course Description:


This course offers an introduction to Hidatsa sentence structure or syntax.  In order to be effective instructors, language teachers need to have an understanding of the various grammatical features of the target language. The ability to build a sentence following the syntactic rules of the target language is one of the fundamental skills needed for advanced language proficiency. Good usage of grammar and syntax in particular is the necessary step towards the ability to express oneself idiomatically, i.e., to express oneself through what native speakers refer to as “Hidatsa thinking”.  In order to give students enough knowledge of syntax, language teachers have to (a) be aware of its rules, and (b) know how to introduce them, by incorporating them into meaningful language activities and by providing students with problem solving tasks. This course is intended to provide a foundation in understanding Hidatsa sentence structures at an introductory level by working with native speakers to describe basic Hidatsa syntax.

Course Objectives:

To introduce teachers in the effective understanding and use of Hidatsa syntax so that they are able to incorporate grammatical concepts into their lesson preparation and teaching.

Course Textbooks:

“Speak Hidatsa! – Level 1 Hidatsa Textbook”, MHA language Project,  MHA Dept. of Education, 2014.

“Speak Hidatsa! – Level 2 Hidatsa Textbook”, MHA language Project,  MHA Dept. of Education, 2015.