MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

HID 101 – Teaching Hidatsa Level 1 Methods

Course Description: 27970838766_7b12a91d09_k

This course is an intensive practical overview of teaching Hidatsa using the Speak Hidatsa! Level 1 Textbook. This course will also emphasize introducing and reinforcing vocabulary with flashcards, props, and Total Physical Response (TPR) methods.  It will also address classroom management techniques for the language classroom as well as using different teaching modalities to address diverse learning styles.

Course Objectives:

To introduce teachers in the effective use of the TLC Level 1 textbook, so that they are adept at preparing lesson plans and teaching classes using this material.

Course Textbooks:

“Speak Hidatsa! – Level 1 Hidatsa Textbook”, MHA Language Project,  MHA Dept. of Education, 2014.