MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

Hidatsa Vocab Builder

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Introducing the new Hidatsa Vocab Builder – Play your way to better Hidatsa vocabulary skills! This FREE app is now live at the Google Play and Apple Stores; click here for the Android version and here for the iOS version.

A fun, interactive, new way to learn Hidatsa!

Screenshot_2015-07-27-10-11-08Build your Hidatsa vocabulary with this FREE vocabulary game for your Android or Apple device. Developed by the MHA Language Project – Hidatsa,  the app allows you to quiz yourself everyday to learn different categories – wild animals, food, weather and more! The free version of the app includes:

> 20 culturally-relevant categories designed by Hidatsa speakers (feat. voices of Martha Bird Bear, Mary Gachupin and Arvella White)
> 10-25 words per category, for a total of 200-500 words!
> Audio pronunciation and visual aid for each word in the category
> Quiz yourself by matching English words to Hidatsa words, and vice versa
> Progress through levels to unlock new words
> Track your progress and review words you’ve learned by category or activity

Designed for learning that is memorable and fun!
Each word you match correctly iScreenshot_2015-07-27-10-11-25ncreases your score, and each level you finish unlocks a new one! Words that are not matched correctly are repeated until you master them. This repetition method is an effective learning strategy.

Whether you are learning on your own, or taking a beginner’s Hidatsa class, Hidatsa Vocab Builder will help build your confidence in using new Hidatsa words.

Android installation instructions: Download the app to your Android device. When you open the app, click “Download New Words”. You will see a screen showing the progress of the download that says “Downloading Database”. On some versions of Android, the download may stall at 50%. In the case that this happens, simply restart your phone and the app will be ready to use.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please send us an email at