MHA Education Dept., New Town, ND

MHASI Instructors

Meet the instructors of MHASI 2015!
Bernadine Young Bird

Bernadine Young Bird is a member of the Maxoadi Clan-Alkalai Lodge and an enrolled member of the Three-Affiliated Tribes on Ft. Berthold. Bernadine has raised her own children, 5 grandchildren, and has also fostered many other children throughout the years. Raising children has given Bernadine a tremendous joy, which she relays through her teaching. In the past, Bernadine was an elementary school teacher and Education Administrator, where she had oversight of all education programs Pre-school to Adult for the MHA Nation. Bernadine is currently the Language Coordinator/Faculty of the NHS College Native American Studies Department. She enjoys working with younger children and is very proud to see their pride and self-esteem increase as they learn Hidatsa.

Bernadine Young Bird’s courses 

MHA 101H – Teaching Hidatsa Level 1 Methods A

John P. Boyle

John P. Boyle earned his MA and PhD in Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and has taught linguistics at Northeastern Illinois University.  He specializes in Hidatsa, and has served as Executive Director of the Apsáalooke Language Curriculum Project for the Crow Tribe. He has also served on the Committee on Endangered Languages for the Linguistic Society of America, and as organizer of the annual Siouan-Caddoan Languages Conference. 

John P. Boyle’s courses 

MHA 101M – Teaching Mandan Level 1 Methods A

MHA 101H – Teaching Hidatsa Level 1 Methods A

MHA 110H – Hidatsa Phonology I



Hidatsa Keyboard – Mobile
Hidatsa Keyboard - Mobile

Introducing the new Hidatsa keyboard for mobile texting!

18 May, 2015 in  Highlights